Back pain right side and back: causes, symptoms and treatment diseases

A sign with back pain almost every adult. They have different localized areas, including, right, and lower back. Pain syndrome sometimes occurs in healthy people, but in most cases this signal any pathological process in the body.

right side back pain

Diagnosis for low back pain immediately install it's almost impossible because there are different reasons that can cause. This diseases of the spine, urinary system, respiratory system. Therefore, you must determine the cause of pain and prescribe the correct treatment for the entrance examination.

Pain syndrome possible causes

It could be the rear right side of the disease pain is provoked a different nature, weather, at them too different.

Diseases of the spine

Pathology in the spinal cord causes pain:

  • Low back pain the lumbar spine intervertebral discs-degenerative processes occur due to squeeze the nerve endings. Pain is increased by deep breathing, coughing. Acute diseases developing in the sudden pain, any back pain to which gesture.
  • Spinal cord injuries – exercises that are sometimes the result done wrong, falls, injury, excessive physical loads. Sometimes the pain during the change of vertebral injuries, soft tissue.
  • Lumbar spondylosis – permanent, intense pain, it's a lie "up", the left side, passes. Static load, on the contrary, to strengthen it, the sensation of pain.
  • Spondyloarthrosis L – that is characterized by degenerative — dystrophic changes in the joints, which occurs, thinning, cartilage tissue, bone growth visible.
  • Osteomyelitis – purulent processes, where the stove is located in the lumbar region.
  • Tumor is the backbone of the process.

Many pathology in the spinal column have a similar clinical picture, diagnosis is often difficult. Symptoms depend on the lesion.

Internal factors

The pain occurs in the lower sections of the waist right, this can be a symptom that the organs of the reproductive system, the inflammatory process:

  • endometriosis;
  • adnexitis;
  • fibroids of the uterus, and others.

The upper right lumbar pain syndrome occurs in organs diseases, digestive system, kidney, gall bladder, liver:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • urolithiasis, stone;
  • a stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis.

Weather pain

It is very important that you understand a doctor for a definitive diagnosis what kind of pain-Live is sick.

Pain lower right back pain will be different:

  • Aching, pulling pain – chronic inflammation is a sign of neglect. Osteomyelitis that point, spondyloarthrosis, and degenerative effects to the spine the result.
  • Sudden, sharp pain after the injury occurs, the resulting local a talking L pathology spine, intercostal neuralgia. In short, the pain more often during any sudden movements or incorrect load distribution design.
  • Increased pain, signal the inflammatory process in progress.
the causes of pain

To go with the pain in the waist, hip or lower extremities, there are a lot of, pinched nerve root inflammation or L. If fan upper lumbar vertebrae, abdominal pain in the pubic area are also visible lying.

If matched up with sharp severe pain, irregular blood pressure, impairment of consciousness, dizziness is almost a lucky person to the hospital.

The above symptoms may also show:

  • general pancreatitis, or cholecystitis;
  • motion kidney stones;
  • renal artery thrombosis.

About existing diseases, back pain right side waist that can show other characteristic symptoms. Renal pathology can vary the temperature of the air to the urine. Urine is cloudy, impurities of the blood. Renal colic hip or groin pain that can be caused by different substances due to the traffic.

The formation of a tumor is disrupted, appetite, weakness, a visible and strong, the patient is losing weight significantly.

Violation, study problems with the digestive system, liver, pancreas and observed:

  • breaking chairs;
  • gas;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting.


Understanding the source of pain and determine its cause, you must pass a number of laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • blood count, urine;
  • MRI, computed tomography, spine;
  • miyelografi and other.

Attention! Not to provoke distortion, the patient will pass in the time it takes to diagnose and begin treatment. Schema therapy depends on the causal pathology, pain why lower right back pain.

General rules and methods of treatment

To improve the patient's condition, initially assigned to anesthesiology and pain relieving anti-inflammatory drugs. They related symptomatic relief was only temporary and it's not the tools, an action that has a therapeutic effect on a heart of pain.

Nov diseases-skeleton post-pass to allow for additional procedures required to control pain, strengthen your spine, enhance functionality:

  • massage therapy (acupuncture, therapeutic, and other);
  • Exercise therapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • reflexology.

You need to treat the basic disease, a pathology of internal organs, pre-inspection a profiler. You may need to consult gastroenterologists, rheumatologists, Gynecologists, nephrology. You will have a particular disease the treatment scheme individually for each patient.

Preventive recommendations

To protect themselves, low back pain may be the effect if to prevent positive factors. Spinal problems often causes pain because the opportunities you need to protect her health.

Useful tips:

  • to avoid excessive physical load;
  • not weight lifting;
  • it's not super cool;
  • do not make sudden movements;
  • for long term stays in the same position to pause the periodic warming to the body;
  • more movement (especially useful, walk a lot, swim, do yoga);
  • a balanced diet.

Cut short, the only fix back pain him after the main reasons. Never before to consult a specialist, the less recovery time and low risk unpleasant results. Therefore, even a small pain, it cannot be unattended.